Day 18 Milan to Brescia

There wasn’t any real way of avoiding the main road between Milano and Brescia. That was a shame as it was very very busy with large trucks belting through at serious speeds. It was still hot too so it all made for a bit of a tiring slightly stressful day. We’re all arrived safely though, and really well done to Cat. She’s not an experienced cyclist and she hasn’t spent 2 1/2 weeks cycling herself fit. She did the whole way today including the ride out of Milan (for which we found a good rat run avoiding any horrendous junctions with the Tangenziale).
We were very sorry to say goodbye to Neil and Francesca though who had been fantastic hosts. Still we will see them again on Friday when they come up to Bolzano to be with us for the weekend. Or is it Saturday – I am really losing track.
Frankie’s day was made by finding an Alfa dealer with the new Guilietta in the showroom. It does look very nice, although as a confirmed Alfa fan I may be biased.
Might try pasta for dinner tonight… or how about a risotto ??